
Originally coming to market in the 1950’s, the Oakey brand grew to command 45% of the abrasives market. However, in recent years the brand has lost its market leading status due to new challenger products coming to the market. French multi-national corporation, Saint Gobain asked SURE! to develop an impactful campaign to refresh and relaunch the entire core abrasives packaging range.


Our team began by carrying out in-depth research to discover Oakey’s current market position spread across market proposition, brand identity and product perceptions. Off the back of this, SURE! developed a bold and eye-catching new product identity and related pack design. To encourage sampling, we developed the fun ‘Oakey Scratch Challenge’, and captured the imaginations of decorators, carpenters, fabricators, and plasterers across the country.

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Oakey Before1280 720
Pack Closeup
Oakey Challenge Bus
Oakey Product Packs

Engagement rose by 36.8% and Saint Gobain were able to reintroduce the product range to B&Q, Homebase and Wickes.

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Oakey Marque Before 1 1200X600
Oakey Pack Mock Ups After 1200X600
Oakey Pack Mock Ups Before 1200X600
Oakey Ipad