Men are dying too young. Fact!

Movember is the leading charity making a difference in mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. They are working to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25% by 2030.

So throughout the month of November, our fantastic team at SURE! are looking to raise money for Movember to fund more men’s health projects and transform the way health services reach and support men.

We will each ‘Move for Movember’ where we run or walk 60km over the month for the 60 men we lose to suicide every hour across the world.

If you can support us, please click here to donate a few pennies to this wonderful cause and let us help make change happen and stay posted for updates on how the team is getting on!

Jason Goodman 0K7ggia8lve Unsplash

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2 Girls

Nulla dictum in a tincidunt velit condimentum semper vestibulum rhoncus praesent natoque a a tincidunt eu. Fringilla et sociis a suspendisse tempus ut risus facilisis semper erat cum ad pretium torquent a a amet. Leo tempus libero scelerisque luctus suspendisse taciti varius himenaeos molestie nostra posuere quis felis quis ullamcorper a massa aliquet metus viverra parturient dignissim ullamcorper lacus hac blandit ultricies.

Nulla dictum in a tincidunt velit condimentum semper vestibulum rhoncus praesent natoque a a tincidunt eu. Fringilla et sociis a suspendisse tempus ut risus facilisis semper erat cum ad pretium torquent a a amet. Leo tempus libero scelerisque luctus suspendisse taciti varius himenaeos molestie nostra posuere quis felis quis ullamcorper a massa aliquet metus viverra parturient dignissim ullamcorper lacus hac blandit ultricies.